Monday, March 28, 2011

blog post - symbols

I think this represents the obesity of America and shows how unhealthy we eat. We are a nation that needs to get things done fast and sometimes we only have time for this type of fatty food. We never take the time to slow down and eat a healthy meal. We complain about gaining weight and not being able to lose any and yet we continue to eat these kinds of foods.

I think this symbol represents how big of fans we are of sports and although Mcdonalds represents the fat side of our nation, sports like football and basketball represent the hardworking, and healthy side of our nation. We love sports and support our teams all the way till the end. It can also symbolize how loyal we are to our teams and country and how we can come together to stand for something.

I think this symbol of the company apple shows that we are an advanced nation and that we want luxury. If you have money to spend in this country then we only buy the best and Apple has the high luxyury status to match the high prices. We try to impress one another and buying nice things definitely does the trick. Apple has all the good quality things you can think of, from touch screen music players to touch screen computers.

I think this symbol represents how we communicate as people. We may have 500+ friends on facebook but only talk to 50 of them. We share our feelings to everyone on this site to share, get attention or just because we are bored. Although it does show how we can communicate much easier than we could 100 years ago, and how much innovation and technology changes. We adapt more quickly as people and are open to more ideas.

I think this symbol represents how we share things and how fast we can make them circulate. We see something that someone decided to share with us and then we share it with others. We can spread words quickly. Some videos get millions of hits within a week because we decided to share with each other. From music to random videos of people doing stupid things, we can find it all on this site. We have the power to make it popular or to make it a laughing stock.

blog post 7

I saw sociology when I was with my older cousins and I was the designated driver, and one of them didn't want to go clubbing with the group because he had work the next day but they all convinced him and he went. This is an example of group think, although my cousin spoke his mind about not wanting to go out that night, he still went because everybody else was going.

blog post 6

I saw sociology when I was at a concert and I saw that everybody was having a great time and socializing with each other. Our common interests brought us together and we became a crowd, it was only for a few hours but it showed that people from all over have similar interests and like to do many things others do.

blog post 5

I saw sociology when I was with my friends watching a movie and there was a hispanic that matched the sterotypical hispanic. The stereotypical hispanic is normally, tank top, shaved head, tattoos everywhere, baggy jeans and a funny accent. Although, I found it slightly offensive, I myself thought it to be quiet accurate which makes me feel like I have conformed to the rest of society and accept whatever the social norms turn into. The only reason I found it offensive is because I am Mexican and I act and look nothing like the hispanic in the movie was portrayed.

blog post 4

I saw sociology when I was at practice and coach told me and the other captain that he was going to be late to practice one day. He gave us the workout for the day and he expected me and my the other captain to make sure everybody does what their suppposed to do until he arrives. I think this was an example of a staus and role. Since me and my friend are the team captains he expected the proper behavior of us, take action and lead the team through a regular practice. We are the captains and we have certain duties to fulfill.

blog post 3

I saw sociology when I was at my friends house and I was having dinner with his family, and I wasn't allowed to put my elbows on the table because it was rude. I broke a social norm of their culture. It is expected of people to keep their elbows off the table and eat appropriately

blog post 2

I saw sociology when I was in one of my classes and there was a group project to do and in one of the groups, everybody was associating with each other and having a fun time doing the project, and there was one person being left out of the whole conversation. This is an example of in-groups and out-groups because there was a group in which the majority seemed like they were identifying with one another and there was one person left out because he wasn't able to identify with the others.